@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000540, author = {宮崎, 佑介 and 村瀬, 敦宣 and 瀬能, 宏}, issue = {1}, journal = {水圏環境教育研究誌, Memoirs of study in aquatic and marine environmental education}, month = {Dec}, note = {A number of politicians and official workers have drawn up plans for a large tide embankment to be constructed in the coastal area affected by the tsunami that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March, 2011. However, these plans do not consider the potential effects of construction on marine biodiversity and the coastal landscape because biological monitoring has not been continuously conducted in this area. Thus, we cannot predict or evaluate how the levees will affect the area's biodiversity. Since 1994, the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History in Japan (KPM) has collected photographs of fish in the Image Database of Fish (KPM-NR), as re-verifiable secondary source, as well as specimens (primary sources). Both researchers and citizen scientists, via participation in volunteer programs, have contributed to this collection. The citizen volunteers have mainly consisted of SCUBA divers because the KPM curator (last author) has fostered relationships with the diving community. In addition, sport fishing fans have increased the number of volunteers in recent years via simple collaboration with WEB sakana-zukan (online pictorial encyclopedia of fish), a Japanese non-governmental organization. To date, more than 150,000 photographs and 35,000 lots of specimens have been deposited in KPM collections. Parts of these collections have been utilized in fish taxonomic and biogeographic studies, in which a number of volunteers participated, resulting in published scientific papers. Thus, citizen participation in museum activities has contributed considerably to fostering biodiversity awareness. Connections with divers and sport fishers allow for significant biological monitoring in large area of water, enabling us to evaluate the effects of human development such as the above levee constructions on aquatic organisms., Yusuke Miyazaki, Hiroshi Senou: 1Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Atsunobu Murase: Laboratory of Ichthyology, Faculty of Marine Science, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology}, pages = {22--26}, title = {Citizen participation in augmenting a museum database enhances fish monitoring and public awareness}, volume = {7}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ミヤザキ, ユウスケ and ムラセ, アツノブ and セノウ, ヒロシ} }