@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000391, author = {Sasaki, Tsuyoshi and 佐々木, 剛 and 川下, 新次郎 and Kawashita, Shinjiro}, journal = {東京海洋大学研究報告}, month = {Feb}, note = {A survey of Japanese fisheries high school students’ attitudes about the fisheries school technical curriculum was conducted using a questionnaire method. Significant differences were found between fisheries high school students’ attitudes for each questionnaire item. Students in the Navigation course had the highest scores of self-efficacy, degree of satisfaction with educational methods, and degree of satisfaction with educational facilities among the five courses. Female students had lower scores of self-efficacy and degree of satisfaction with educational methods than males did. Significant differences were found in scores of self-efficacy, degrees of satisfaction with educational methods. Future studies will improve the survey precision and clarify reasons for differences attributable to class, sex, and grade., 東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋政策文化学科, マレーシア水産局(元東京海洋大学研究生)}, pages = {59--65}, title = {Japanese Fisheries High School Student Attitudes about the Fisheries School Technical Curriculum}, volume = {6}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ササキ, ツヨシ and カワシタ, シンジロウ} }