@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002448, author = {田中, 栄次}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本水産学会誌, Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi}, month = {Mar}, note = {以東水域の底魚類(魚類)全体の持続生産量曲線,漁業センサス及び漁業経済調査等を利用し,1973-2013年の最適生産量(OY)を推定した。OYは底魚類全体の最大純経済生産量と定義した。収入曲線に対する支出曲線の位置が下がったことにより,OYは1973年の400億円から2013年には1,960億円に増加した。2013年の魚価と支出曲線を用いて計算したOYを達成するための漁獲係数は同年の推定値の84%である。, An investigation was carried out in order to estimate the optimum yield (OY) from the fisheries exploiting multiple demersal fish stocks in Japan's coastal and offshore waters. In this paper, OY is the maximum static net economic yield from multiple stocks that are simultaneously exploited by various fisheries. Dynamics of the size of the whole stocks are approximated using a discrete surplus production model that is expressed by an algebraic function of the depletion level of the whole stocks. Estimates of biological parameters in the model and depletion levels of the whole stocks over the last several decades are available from a previous study and fish price and cost parameters were estimated using catch and economic statistics for 1973-2013. Estimates of OY calculated using those parameter values increased from 40 billion yen in 1973 to 196 billion yen in 2013. The level of fishing coefficient for realizing the OY in 2013 was 84% of the actual level in 2013. Application of the results to stock management and issues to be resolved in the near future are discussed., J-STAGE 早期公開版 (2019)あり : https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/suisan/advpub/0/advpub_18-00033/_article/-char/ja}, pages = {134--141}, title = {日本の沿岸・沖合水域における底魚漁業の最適生産量について}, volume = {85}, year = {2019} }