@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001998, author = {長阪, 玲子 and 篠田, 明 and 潮, 秀樹 and 大島, 敏明}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本水産学会誌, Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi}, month = {Jan}, note = {We investigated the hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in laminarian seaweeds. The total lipid was extractedfrom commercially available and dried laminarian seaweed according to the Bligh & Dyer method, and subjectedto HPLC analysis for the determination of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. The structures were analyzed withEIMS. Laminarian seaweeds contained relatively high amounts ofg-oryzanol, one of the hydroxycinnamic acidderivatives.Rishirilaminarian seaweed contained the highest amounts ofg-oryzanol among the analyzed 4 sea-weeds. EIMS fragment analyses ofg-oryzanol suggested that stigmasteryl ferulate was a prominent componentin the seaweeds.}, pages = {61--65}, title = {昆布に含まれる γ-オリザノール}, volume = {74}, year = {2008} }