@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001958, author = {吉満, 友野 and 東海, 正 and 米崎, 史郎 and 清田, 雅史}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本水産学会誌, NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI}, month = {Jan}, note = {北太平洋中西部で1999年から2013年に行われた調査用流し網の操業回別目合別のヨシキリザメ尾鰭前長組成にSELECT法を適用し,流し網の選択性曲線を推定した。この曲線を用いて採集物尾鰭前長組成における偏りを補正して資源の尾鰭前長組成を推定した結果,採集物では大型個体の尾数が過小評価されていた。また魚体の胴周長始め各部周長を計測し,最適尾鰭前長におけるそれらを網目内周長と比較することで,ヨシキリザメは吻部から口裂までが網目内に入り,その後網糸が魚体に絡むことで漁獲されることが示唆された。, Blue shark Prionace glauca is a large shark species distributed in tropical to temperate oceans around the world. Since blue sharks often swim in the surface layer, they are caught by driftnet fisheries. Research driftnet surveys with a series of driftnets of 13 different mesh sizes of 22-157 mmwere conducted in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during 1999-2013. From the data on precaudal length distribution of blue shark caught by each mesh size in these surveys, this study estimated the mesh selection curve of driftnets by using the SELECT method. AIC chose the log-normal selection curve model. Simultaneously, the precaudal length frequency distribution of the blue shark encountering the driftnets was also estimated. In this driftnet survey catch, the abundance of large-sized blue shark was underestimated because no driftnets of sufficiently large mesh size were used. For blue shark with the optimum precaudal length for a given mesh size, the girth at the posterior end of the mouth aperture was smaller than that at the mesh perimeter. Blue shark was most effectively retained by the entangling process in which the shark was snagged, rolled or entangled in the net after the snout entered the mesh., 25121505}, pages = {23--31}, title = {北太平洋中西部におけるヨシキリザメに対する調査用流し網の網目選択性}, volume = {84}, year = {2018} }