@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001878, author = {津崎, 龍雄 and 石田, 典子 and 吉田, 一範 and 堀田, 卓朗 and 中川, 雅弘 and 山田, 真之 and 佐藤, 秀一 and 輿石, 友彦 and 前野, 幸二 and 秋山, 敏男}, issue = {1}, journal = {水産増殖, Aquaculture Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {魚粉タンパク源を濃縮大豆タンパク等の植物性タンパク源およびポークミール等の動物性タンパク源に代替し,更にタウリンの他に摂餌促進物質と酵素混合液などを添加した完全無魚粉化 EP 飼料を試作して1歳魚のブリ(平均体重753 g)に給与し,約6ヵ月間飼育した。その結果,対照区と無魚粉区には明確な成長差は認められず,生残率においてもほぼ同等の成績であった。また,日間増重率,日間給餌率,増肉係数およびタンパク効率では,夏期のポークミール区でタンパク効率がやや劣ったものの,その他の項目は対照区と大きな差異はなかった。これらのことから魚粉を完全に植物性タンパク源や動物性タンパク源に代替してブリ1歳魚に給与しても,魚粉飼料と同等に養成できることが明らかとなった。, A six month feeding experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of plant and animal proteins as alternative protein sources for fish meal to one year old yellowtail. An anchovy meal based diet was formulated as a control, and three types of non-fish meal diets were prepared by replacing the fish meal completely with plant proteins such as soy protein concentrate, defatted soybean meal and corn gluten meal, and pork meal together with supplementation of taurine, digestive enzyme mixture and feeding stimulants. The test diets were fed to 750 g one year old yellowtails to satiety three times a week for six months. There were no differences in total feed intake, weight gain, and mortality amongst the dietary treatments. Moreover, physiological and pathological abnormalities were not observed in the fish fed non-fish meal diets during the rearing period. These findings suggest that non-fish meal diets for yellowtail can be developed by formulating pork meal, soy protein concentrate, defatted soybean meal and corn gluten meal together with supplements of taurine, digestive enzyme mixture and feed stimulants., 26252034}, pages = {29--38}, title = {完全無魚粉化 extruded-pellet(EP)飼料を用いたブリSeriola quinqueradiata の長期飼育試験}, volume = {63}, year = {2015} }