@article{oai:oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001773, author = {兵藤, 哲朗 and Hyodo, Tetsuro and 坂井, 孝典 and 河村, 和哉}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management)}, month = {}, note = {首都圏では三環状高速道路ネットワークの概成が間近であり,近年,新規供用インターチェンジ(IC)付近の大型物流施設立地が目立っている.このような物流施設立地動向を予測する有効なツールの一つが立地選択モデルであり,これまでも計画立案支援のために用いられてきた. 本研究は,最新の第五回東京都市圏物資流動調査(2013年実施)結果を用いて,物流施設立地選択モデルの精度向上を検討している.具体的には,空間ラグモデルと空間誤差モデルの,いわゆる空間相関を前提としたモデルを中心に,その詳細な特性把握とともに,説明力の高い分析手順について検討した.また,説明変数に,約1km四方の3次メッシュデータを用いたことも本分析の特徴である.分析結果から,空間相関を考慮したモデルには,十分な精度向上が期待できることが確認された., There has been a noticeable development of logistics facilities along the newly constructed circumferential expressway in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, suggesting a strong association between the access provided by the roadway system and the locations of logistics facilities. As such, the development of analytical tools that can capture the complex relationships between the logistics facility location choice and locational attributes including spatial dependency is an important research endeavor. This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of alternative formulations of discrete choice models, including spatial autoregressive (SAR) probit and mixed logit models, for the analysis of logistics facility locations in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The data from the 2013 Tokyo Metropolitan Freight Survey (TMFS) were used to compare the characteristics of several models. To apply the model, the Tokyo area was partitioned into approximately 18,000 1km by 1km grids. The independent variables include population density, employment, land price, land use, access to interchanges, and others. We estimated the location choice model with spatial correlations including Spatial Lag Model (SLM) and Spatial Error Model (SEM) with both probit and mixed-logit approaches. We also investigated the effects of different formulations of the spatial weight matrix on the models' performances. Our investigation found that inclusion of the spatial correlation terms improves the fit of the location choice model considerably. The mixed-logit model that incorporates both spatial lag and spatial error terms produced the best results. However, we believe the amount of time required for the estimation of the model may discourage practical application. On the other hand, the spatial autoregressive probit model can be within the reach of advanced practitioners., 15K06247}, pages = {156--167}, title = {東京都市圏物資流動調査による空間相関を考慮した物流施設立地選択モデルの検討}, volume = {71}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ヒョウドウ, テツロウ} }